an alligator at Lake Martin, Breaux Bridge, Lousiana
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Breaux Bridge Swamp Tour
Laura Plantation
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4536 Miles within 4 weeks...
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More Pictures of Chattanooga
Breaux Bridge Swamp Tour
Laura Plantation
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Miami Beach, Florida

the rear entrance of Redbury Hotel at Collins Avenue
Shelborne Hotel Miami Beach at Collins Avenue

the rooftop pool of Redbury Hotel - 2024 Uma House at Collins Avenue, sometimes the pool is crowded even at night!
a phonograph in each room with old LPs (Supertramp, Sinatra etc.)
Dine with style, the restaurant of Redburys Hotel, take care when waiters offer a "special"! Your 24 USD Pasta costs then 75 USD, yeah, lobster style!😏
one of the first pictures Sabina shot (out of more than 4500!)
early morning ('til 11am), there's a lot of space at Miami South Beach Beaches!
rich and poor
the playground of big daddys
a runner asked me: omg, how did they do that?... run girl, don't think😏

father in law as photographic model! Yes, Miami Beach and its light is famous for that!
The Betsy - well rated by visitors!
since I was the there the first time, Leslie is present, still
at Ocean Drive, well deserved!
the Breakwater, 1936 created by a Yugoslavian architect
a mirrored view of Ocean Drive Boulevard
Sex, Drugs and Salsa...that's why people come to Miami Beach, a mural at Collins Avenue
Senior Frogs - Unleash Your Fiesta
my mobile got stolen, so I got in contact with my friends by using this ancient thing
the rear entrance of Redbury Hotel from the rooftop
get your kicks on a paraglide ride
White Egret is proud of his catch, at Sombrero Beach, Marathon
if you go close to the fish, I guess they hit the spinal cord of the fish, so they are unable to move
Iguanas can stay under water more than 20 minutes
a rooster in Key West, outraged by so many strangers, and a story to discover

chicken puppies, you'll find them everywhere in Key West
bikes and old cars, common in Key West
when dreams come true
you can eat tasty burgers in Hard Rock Cafe Key West
street scene at night in Key West (selling Cuban Cigars)
my mother in law was not happy about the cleanliness in front of Hemingway's favorite bar
Hemingway's bar, today a T-Shirt shop, what would Ernest say?

while we were at the police station of Key West, my parents in law discovered some iguanas (close to the parking lots). What a beautiful animal, a male is defending his territory, but females can stay as long as they want...
they are 100 % vegetarians (they don't eat any eggs of the birds)
be careful, they can break a leg of a dog with its tale
but we were lucky, he let us get close to 3 feet
after this great adventure, rain hit the town, so, no bicycle tour today
but everybody needs a refreshing still
If you are ever in Key West, take the airplane to Dry Tortugas, a once in a lifetime experience!
back in Key West

Brown Butterflies, sitting on a boys cap! Visit the Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory, a place where adults became a smile like in their days of youth
tiny teeth
Guinea Turaco
Bahia Honda / Flight over Florida Keys
the bridge of the railway and later the bridge of the first road... now the bridge to nowhere
the old bridge at Bahia Honda
the small island in front of Bahia Honda
The Yolk, over the keys (near Sugarloaf Key) with EP Dalton (not working or even living anymore in 2024)
back in Key West
Hotel Avalons Lobby
the room
Damir is enjoying the nothing-to-do-time
Cocoa Beach, Florida
"Einer nach New York, einer nach Chicago und ein Koffer nach Miami." "Das können wir unmöglich so einchecken!" "Na, letztes Mal haben sie es aber auch geschafft!" Ich habe noch nie einen Koffer nicht erhalten, aber es müssen täglich Hunderte sein, die ihr Reiseziel verfehlen. Trotzdem spüre ich immer eine Erleichterung, wenn mein sperriges Kleiderschränkchen auf dem Band auftaucht. Aber warum eigentlich? Die Hälfte der eingepackten Sachen bleibt während den Ferien unangetastet. So auch dieses Mal. In jedem Hotelzimmer starrten mich meine (nur für den Notfall) langen paar Jeans, die dicken Sweatshirts und die schwarzen Socken an. Im Juni könnte sich ja 'mal eine feste Brise nach Florida verschlagen! Und im Gegensatz zu 20 Jahren früher sind auch die Hotellobbys nicht mehr auf 14 Grad herunter gekühlt."Happiness is to see Miami Beach in the rearview mirror?" Ja, irgendwie schon. Zwar hat der Ocean Drive Boulevard wenig von seiner Faszination eingebüsst, aber das depperte Partyvolk geht mir wohl altersturnus-mässig auf die Nerven.Auf der Fahrt nach Key West war der Himmel wolkenverhangen. Für mich aber trotzdem jedes Mal ein wunderschönes Erlebnis. 120 Meilen über 42 Brücken und über und vorbei an 200 Koralleninseln in ein pittoreskes Dörfchen, das am Ende der Inseln dem Besucher ein besonderes Lebensgefühl beschert. Ein Lebensgefühl, das vor Jahrhunderten schon die Piraten entdeckt und nachdem Flagler seine Eisenbahnlinie 1912 fertiggestellt sah, Lebenskünstler, Fotografen, Schriftsteller und Touristen das Flair der Insel im Niemandsland genossen. Ein Dorf, das nur mit dem Schiff und der Eisenbahn erreichbar war. Aber 1935 vernichtete der mächtigste Hurrikan des letzten Jahrhunderts, der heute noch ohne Namen ist, weite Teile der Strecke und riss hunderte von Menschen in den Tod! Wegen dem Aufkommen des Automobils wurde das erste Stück des US Highway Number 1 gebaut, auf weiten Teilen der ehemaligen Eisenbahnstrecke.1982 sorgte Key West wieder für weltweites Aufsehen. Den Touristen vertreibenden, ständigen Polizeikontrollen auf der einzigen Strasse nach Key West überdrüssig geworden, riefen die Bürger ihre Stadt zur unabhängigen „Conch Republic“ aus, erklärten den USA den Krieg, kapitulierten allerdings eine Minute später bedingungslos und forderten von den USA 1 Milliarde Dollar für den Wiederaufbau. (es gibt auch andere Quellen)
Noch heute steht auf der Flagge „we seceded where others failed“ und der Leitspruch heisst „The mitigation of World tension through the exercise of humor“. Einem ihrer Bürger soll die Republik sogar das Leben gerettet haben, als er in Guatemala in einen Hinterhalt von Rebellen geriet und geschrien hat „no Americano, Citizen of Conch Republica“. Er sei daraufhin mit Tequilas anstatt mit Kugeln aus einer Kalashnikov abgefüllt worden.Wir fuhren zurück und weiter nach Cape Canaveral. Ein heute noch andauerndes amerikanisches Märchen. Von dort starteten die Mondflüge, aber als ich selber das Landegefährt der Apollo 13 sah, kamen mir doch Zweifel, ob die jemals auf dem Mond waren. Ein Jugendfreund von mir, der mehr Kilogramm an Leim für seine Modellsegelflieger gebraucht hatte, als die selber schwer waren (und später Pilot wurde), na, also das war, verglichen mit den von goldenen Alufolien zusammengeschweissten Mondlandefähren wirklich "hightech"!Ueber Savannah (nice to see) durch Atlanta, direkt nach Chattanooga. Für uns nur ein Zwischenhalt, hat sich die Stadt aber vom einstmals dreckigsten Ort der USA in eine schöne Oase der Künste und Musik gewandelt. Ein Vorbild für Detroit? Jedenfalls gibt es in Chattanooga ein paar wunderbare Sehenswürdigkeiten. Nicht mehr weit war es nach Nashville, the home of Country Music, mit dem Broadway und seinen Musicbars, die die Herzen von Musikliebhabern höher schlagen lässt.Memphis, the home of the Blues und natürlich von Elvis' Ranch ist eine Reise wert. Am breiten Mississippi gelegen und mit der Beale Street als Mittelpunkt, in der jeden Mittwoch von Mai bis September die "Memphis Bike Night" über die Bühne geht und eine Stadt, die sich Mühe gibt, den Groove der vergangenen Jahre am Leben zu erhalten. Nur Graceland tat ich mir nicht an. Was soll ich eine seit über 30 Jahren stillgelegte Luxusanlage, in der ein völlig ausser Rand und Band geratener Rock'n'Roller seine Pillen schmiss, besichtigen. Immerhin seien meiner Schwiegermutter im "Jungle Room" die Tränen gekommen.:-)Aber dann, nach endlosen 600 Kilometern, waren wir in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana. Die frühe Tour mit Brian von Champagne's Swamp Tour übertraf alle unsere Erwartungen. Wie von Fäden gezogen tauchten vor uns Reiher, Kormorane, Schlangenhalsvögel, Ospreys, Schildkröten, Alligatoren und sogar eine Eule auf, immer in perfekter Distanz zu Fotografen mit 200mm Linse! Wenn auch nicht so authentisch wie eine Fahrt im "richtigen" Atchafalaya Swamp, so ist es doch ein echter Louisiana Swamp, wie er im Buche steht.Nur in New Orleans sahen wir noch buntere Vögel. Völlig unerwartet (man ist ja nie ganz vorbereitet) platzten wir in die Gay Pride of New Orleans 2016, die ganz im Zeichen der Geschehnisse in Orlando stand. Das French Quarter besticht wie seit eh und je und wie wenn Katharina nie über die Stadt gezogen wäre, durch seine einmalige Atmosphäre. Nur am Mississippi Ufer könnten die Bausünden der (wohl) 70iger Jahre 'mal ersetzt werden. Aber, cool down in Big Easy!Auf der Fahrt von NO nach Sarasota übernachteten wir einmal mehr in einem ges(ch)ichtslosen Holiday Inn Express. In Lido-Key erwartete uns ein schöner Strand und eine wunderbare Vogelkolonie, die Black Skimmers, die inmitten der Touristen ihr Revier verteidigen!Die Strände an der Golfküste sind um einiges schöner als die der Ostküste und auch eindrucksvoller als die der kleinen Beaches der östlichen Florida Keys. Ob Longboat- Siesta- oder Lido-Key, Orte, um die Seele baumeln zu lassen. 29 Grad Celsius des Wassers bieten aber wenig Erfrischung!Sanibel und Captiva-Island stechen allerdings daraus hervor. Zwei Inseln, auf denen man keine Hotelburgen findet und die sich dem Erleben der Natur verschrieben haben. Allerdings sollte man sich bewusst sein, dass in den National Wildlife Refugees (wie dem Ding Darling Wildlife Natural Refuge auf Sanibel) ein besonderer Ausdruck gebraucht wird: "In summer, birding slows down." Während in den Wintermonaten die Vögel jegliche Scheu vor Fotografen verlieren, verlassen diese und die in den kalten Monaten fast heimischen Zugvögel das heisse Florida und lassen es sich im hohen Norden gutgehen! Sei glücklich, wenn Du einen zwischen dem Abwischen Deiner Schweisstropfen erwischst!:-)Aber was wäre ein Besuch von Florida ohne die Everglades. Auf dem Tamiami-Trail oder Alligator Alley gibt es unzählige Anbieter von Airboat Tours, die allerdings mehr Fun als Naturerlebnisse sind. Wir buchten daher eine 2-stündige Pole-Boat Tour bei Skunk-Ape . Und wenn die Guides merken, dass man sich wirklich für die Flora und Fauna interessiert, dann wird der Ausflug ungefragt viel länger.Florida wir kommen wieder, aber nie mehr im Sommer bei 35-40 Grad und 100 % Luftfeuchtigkeit. Obwohl, trotz der vielen Coors Light und dem guten Essen habe ich 4 Kilo abgenommen. Was will man mehr?Ich will aber auch nicht verhehlen, dass wir aus beruflichen Gründen um diese Jahreszeit Ferien machen mussten. Und schon gar nicht, dass ich mich schon lange nicht mehr im Sommer in solch südlichen Gefilden aufgehalten habe. Ich habe ja ganz vergessen, wie sich dauerfeuchte Kleidung, im Rücken sich sammelnde Schweissbäche und sich wie an einer Perlenschnur aufgereihte Mückenstiche anfühlen. Und das mit dem elenden Sand lasse ich jetzt sein... Trotzdem habe ich jede Sekunde genossen!

the rear entrance of Redbury Hotel at Collins Avenue
Shelborne Hotel Miami Beach at Collins Avenue

the rooftop pool of Redbury Hotel - 2024 Uma House at Collins Avenue, sometimes the pool is crowded even at night!
a phonograph in each room with old LPs (Supertramp, Sinatra etc.)
Dine with style, the restaurant of Redburys Hotel, take care when waiters offer a "special"! Your 24 USD Pasta costs then 75 USD, yeah, lobster style!😏
one of the first pictures Sabina shot (out of more than 4500!)
early morning ('til 11am), there's a lot of space at Miami South Beach Beaches!
rich and poor
the playground of big daddys
a runner asked me: omg, how did they do that?... run girl, don't think😏
stylish beach bars

world famous lifeguard at the beach
no one on duty, when swimming be prepared of the rip currents, if you get in one, swim with the currents and go back with them to the beach, don't panic!they predicted her a good time!

father in law as photographic model! Yes, Miami Beach and its light is famous for that!
The Betsy - well rated by visitors!
since I was the there the first time, Leslie is present, still
at Ocean Drive, well deserved!
the Breakwater, 1936 created by a Yugoslavian architect
he Colony Hotel, built in 1935, until today an icon of the Ocean Drive Boulevard
a mirrored view of Ocean Drive Boulevard
Sex, Drugs and Salsa...that's why people come to Miami Beach, a mural at Collins Avenue
The Webster, a multi-brand boutique
still life at Collins AveSenior Frogs - Unleash Your Fiesta
my mobile got stolen, so I got in contact with my friends by using this ancient thing
the rear entrance of Redbury Hotel from the rooftop
the Raleigh Hotel, Partner Hotel of Redbury with swimming pool and access to the beach
food & beverages... sell sun tan cream too, stupid tourists like we are would be happy!
the wonderful beach of Miami South Beachthe skyline of Miami Beach from the rooftop of Redbury Hotel
Ocean Drive Boulevard at night.. don't forget your tripod!
Florida Keys / Key West
if you go close to the fish, I guess they hit the spinal cord of the fish, so they are unable to move
Iguanas can stay under water more than 20 minutes
a rooster in Key West, outraged by so many strangers, and a story to discover
I call it a David Simchock still life

chicken puppies, you'll find them everywhere in Key West
bikes and old cars, common in Key West
when dreams come true
you can eat tasty burgers in Hard Rock Cafe Key West
street scene at night in Key West (selling Cuban Cigars)
my mother in law was not happy about the cleanliness in front of Hemingway's favorite bar
Hemingway's bar, today a T-Shirt shop, what would Ernest say?
a green heron, what a beautiful bird!

while we were at the police station of Key West, my parents in law discovered some iguanas (close to the parking lots). What a beautiful animal, a male is defending his territory, but females can stay as long as they want...
they are 100 % vegetarians (they don't eat any eggs of the birds)
be careful, they can break a leg of a dog with its tale
but we were lucky, he let us get close to 3 feet
after this great adventure, rain hit the town, so, no bicycle tour today
but everybody needs a refreshing still
David Simchock, my teacher in photography, never wanted to tell me wehre he shot this picture , he said: You'll find the spot one day... and yes, 6 years later, it is close to the... you will find it yourself!
Dry Tortugas / Fort Jefferson
Sabina is shooting a pelican in front of Fort Jefferson
Southernmost Point of Continental USA, people got a shower for free this day!

Brown Butterflies, sitting on a boys cap! Visit the Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory, a place where adults became a smile like in their days of youth
tiny teeth
Guinea Turaco
the Blue Morpho Butterfly
Bahia Honda / Flight over Florida Keys
the bridge of the railway and later the bridge of the first road... now the bridge to nowhere
the cuban brown anoles are replacing the indigenous green anoles
Bahia Honda Beachthe old bridge at Bahia Honda
the small island in front of Bahia Honda
The Yolk, over the keys (near Sugarloaf Key) with EP Dalton (not working or even living anymore in 2024)
EP Dalton
back in Key West
Hotel Avalons Lobby
Damir is enjoying the nothing-to-do-time
no sunset today
artists and sunset, the Mallory Squareat Mallory Square, World's best sunset, they say
Cocoa Beach, Florida
missile launcher

looks like a dealing room of traders, but it is the control room of Apollo Missions
impressive rocket engine
the lunar module looks, let's be nice, like the work of amateurs
enough space for diapers?
Savannah, Georgia

Savannah, like a step back in time

Jonny Depp cannot stop playing the pirate role!?
inside the trolley car, the 1 hour tour led you to nearly all places of Old Town Savannah
Ansel, a funny singer playing old Georgia songs at lunch time ("The headbangers have to wait 'til 5pm!" his words)
River Street Inn located at the river walk
the Savannah River and the Eugene Talmadge Memorial Bridge (a former Governor of Georgia)
a container ship is driving into the Port of Savannah, a major Seaport of the USA (trade with Middle East, India, Mediterranean Basin and others)
the Old Town is full of small and green parks
a good way to discover a unfamiliar city is going to the roof top of a parking block, here overlooking the Savannah River, the Westin and the flat country of Georgia, left the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center

from the roof top you'll see the the golden dome of Savannah City Hall
a characteristic and very nice house in the old town of Savannah
World famous Forsyth Park in the middle of the town

Forsyth Fountain (reminiscent of the fountains in the Place de la Concorde, Paris and to be honest, you have to use all of your imagination😏)
we got lucky, a male of the boat-tailed grackle (Savannah National Wildlife Refuge)
not that far away, the Port of Savannah (a very important one on the South-East Coast)
driving by car through the park you'll enter natural alleys (the beards of the trees are called Spanish Moss and there are many funny stories about people who were using this plant as padding)
Damir's (father in law) first sight of a wild living alligator
Oak Avenue at Wormsloe Plantation (1.5 Miles!!!!!)
a wonderful experience and a must see in Savannah
On the road and a spectacular view! This is not meant as a joke, usually you're driving hundreds of miles on flat roads, left and right the green trees of east-southern countries.

Atlanta: "Wow" two curves in a row, very seldom 😉
Atlanta Skyline, we hit the I-75 to Chattanooga
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Rock City, I bet you'll be surprised
my mother in law has no fear of heights
but possible only when the weather conditions are very clear😏
people enjoying the overlook from Rock CityLover's Leap and High Falls at Rock City Homepage of the garden

you'll walk through a fantasy World
and you'll see a lot of scenes of Grimm's Fairy Tales
... like Snow White ...
... and the Golden Goose
back in reality
Chattanooga, once rated as the most dirty town in USA, now a green and healthy spot! And much more people know this famous song Chattanoogo Choo Choo and for Germans Sonderzug nach Pankow. In front the Walnut Bridge

Walnut Bridge in Chattanooga, one of the most popular pedestrian bridge of the World
Nashville, Tennessee
Party Boat on Cumberland River (Bridge of the Korean Veterans Boulevard)
The Broadway, heart of Nashville
so many subjects to capture
World famous
The Lobby of the Union Station Hotel in Nashville
The Tennessee Titans Football Stadium (today Nissan Stadium)
on the road
sometimes I have to stop on the road, sometimes it is not easy for my fellows to understand why I do that, but here, I loved the curves and signs...
Nutbush, Tennessee, birthplace of the famous Tina Turner
Memphis, Tennessee
first glimp out of our hotel room
Mississippi and Hernando de Soto Bridge
Hernando de Soto Bridge (over Mississippi), the storm hit Memphis at Wednesday Bike Night a few minutes later...
the view from our balcony at Stay Alfred, after the storm, the sky turned into orange
and few minutes later, it was all over (Home of the Memphis Redbirds, a farmer team of St. Louis Cardinals)
I'm not the luckiest photographer concerning capture lightning, but one I got! Also from the balcony of our room at Stay Alfred
a nice room with a very nice view!
Memphis Wednesday Bike Night (April to September)don't miss the spectacle
hundreds of bikes are cruising down the Beale Street
Dinner at Crazy 'Bout Crawfish is a must
not only the swamp girls
good mood (parents in law)😏
the swamp tour of Champagne's Swamp Tour
white egret
a Louisiana Swamp

alligators can reach an age of over 50 years!
open mouth means that they are very, very hungry, be careful... just kidding, they try cooling down
blue heron
starting with elegance
you'll get back with many impressions, one of the tour-boats
if you miss one alligator, the next will lay in front of you!
Brian, the boss of the tour, likes action (but he has to loose plants from the propeller
the king of Lake Martin, balancing his crown through the swamp
fish eating spider (it really exists)
an Osprey
the tree of the cormorant
Spanish Moss in the trees, it gives the swamp a mystic toucha snake bird is drying the plumage
they call it "Flamingo's Garden"grey egret starting
the punk of the swamp
starring at tourists - barred owl
the youngster from Champagne's Swamp Tour, located at the starting point... imaging how tasty a tourist could be??😎
go out and explore the swamps of the Atchafalaya Basin
Landry's See Food, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana
Cajun Plantation, Louisiana
a plantation full of history and nothing to be proud of it
well laid table
abusing copyrights
Oak Alley Plantation, Louisiana
let's have a bath first!
knock knock: Good things happen!
St. Pierre's Lobby-House
Gay Pride New Orleans 2016 is ahead (she, he, its wanted 5 bucks for the picture!)
a NO-still-life
Saturday Evening at Bourbon Street, the party starts and will never end (they said)
mirrored Bourbon Street
he was living many years in Germany, now making money with his cock!
enjoying the Gay Pride of New Orleans 2016
to get in the right position to enjoy the pictures: Cross your legs, turn your body a little bit to the left, press the left elbow to your body, let your left hand hanging down, hit the "enter" with the right hand like touching a very fragile flower and welcome every new picture with "OMG, this is sooo pretty"😏
dedicated to the victims of the Orlando Crime 2016
I guess a charming girl, but don't be to sure when you met such a girl (make the Trump test)oh my god!
Phil Campo and the Loose Change Jazz Band
a very good piano player
Maison Bourbon - famous for good music
police horses, a well known picture in the streets of New Orleans
be careful, New Orleans is a place where Voodoo is alive
Bourbon Street Sunday morning
playing well known melodies
thank you for posing
crescent city connection (bridge) and ships on the Mississippi

awful buildings at the river walk of New Orleans
great sound by the trumpet player at the river walk
posing for us
Canal Street, main street of New Orleans
Canal Street with the streetcars
Canal Street
Joker in the streets of New Orleans
PO-Boys... not what you think (kind of a sandwich) 😏
they like tourists like Sabina
still-life big easy
without people - longtime exposure 197 seconds, AV 10, ISO 200 (with ND 3.0 10 BL M&C filter), but I was running out of patience:-)
they clean the streets with soap-stuff
on the road
Pelican Wharf Cajun Grill Biloxi, Mississippi
on the road, check out the name of the parkway
I like that
we arrived at the fishing piers of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge (what a great view)
catch or bait?
white egret landing on a roof at Sunshine Skyway Bridge
it birdens down in summertime! I was glad that I could capture one of this great birds, a brown pelican
great aviators
Lido-Key, Sarasota, Florida
looking forward to a lazy day
the view from the hotel room (Sandcastle Resort)
at the beach, still-life
Lido Key Beach
do some sport
like a dream which came true
a white ibis was hit surprisingly
like soldiers, Royal Terns (Königsseeschwalbe)
The Black Skimmer colony disturbed by idiots (not me, respect the wildlife!)
great aviators
always look on the bride side of life...
the Black Skimmer Colony at Lido Beach
two puppies and a steward
not easy to catch them
The Black Skimmer colony disturbed by idiots (not me, respect the wildlife!)
great aviators
always look on the bride side of life...
the Black Skimmer Colony at Lido Beach
two puppies and a steward
not easy to catch them
I prefer the lazy sports
the bridge from Sarasota to Lido Key
St. Armands Circle, a well known and frequent visited spot on Lido Key
check out the Ringling Museum in Sarasota
Sanibel Island, Florida
St. Armands Circle, a well known and frequent visited spot on Lido Key
check out the Ringling Museum in Sarasota
at St. Armands Circle
Sandcastle Resort at night - old but quietthis is the last one - give me one more!😏
Sanibel Island, Florida
a typical Sanibel bicycle
eastern lubber grosshoppers
drying my mother in law
Osprey's dinner
to be seen only after dusk
one of the backward birds of the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge (in summer, it birdens down!), a white crowned night heron
who knows this plant? thank you
I'm always glad that they are small
a zebra long wing butterfly in its natural habitat
a cuban tree frog, eating the much smaller indigenous tree frogs, and (knowing this after touching him) with a poisoned secretion, but I survived!
so, don't give him four!
Osprey wingspan's up to 180 cm
little egret chasing fishes
beautiful bird: Cormorantgreat grey heron, what an elegance
Florida gars
Sanibel Island, the place where you find the nicest shells
still life at the beach of Sanibel Island
Estero Island or Fort Myers Beach
while I was sleeping, Sabina went to the beach and got this guy in front of her lens! great!
Sabinas pic, a reddish egret
Sabinas "dancer"
the next day I wanted to meet the reddish guy, but I met this bird: Little egret
an Osprey is checking the dinner table
why work? let's have a look what the tourists hunted!:-)
the cottages of Gulf Breeze Cottages, very nice! (end 2024 still closed)
Plumeria rubra
a palm tree near the nice cottages of Gulf Breeze Cottages

a beach party at Sanibel Island
Sabina is enjoying the 30 degree water, in the background Fort Myers
several severe storm warnings in June
our cottage at night (not open after the hurricane in 2023)
Everglades City, Florida
Sabina in front of the Ivey House, in 2024 still a valid option for a night to stay
snakebird at H.P. Williams Roadside Park, a good spot at Tamiami Trail to see snake birds and alligators
a Florida softshell turtle
like a plastic one
this is Goldie, a 170 kg Boa Constrictor in the backyard of Skunk Ape Headquarter
a tunnel of Florida mangroves
riding an airboat can be fun
we have seen one Osprey and one alligator
Everglades City Restaurant(s) - they could improve the quality of food - years later well rated!the Bank of Everglades City
the City Hall
and the Everglades Community Church
27 years old alligator at Wootens Airboat Tours

the main actor of Wootens Alligator show
not really professionals when they are landing
uff, done, and the other one is impresseda good aviator, wingspan of up to 170 cm
at Lake Harmon, the real everglades, they said
but we took a pole-boat trip with Steven, Monarch Butterfly, at Skunk Ape and captured a butterfly while moving with the pole-boat
a very quiet tour into the real Everglades (more than 2 hours)
like alligators
a leaf moving through the river of Everglades
mirrored grasthis is a fish eating spider!
stopping with the airboat on a Everglades Island, this poor guy was held by idiots in a too small aquarium, his legs got deformed
very aggressive turtle, they can cut your finger!
a pig
conceived by a domestic pig and a wild hog
dragon-fly and alligator, must be a good coexist!

the plants left in the middle of the picture taste like a lemon and is used by the native cooks
yes, it's hot and 100 % humidity, or is my father in law just thinking back of the Gay Pride of New Orleans?
the last grey heron in Florida
the last dragon-fly in Florida for a few years (back in 2024)
leaving Florida
Miami Airport, giving back our Suburban, a great car to drive long distance roads!
the colony of the yellow-cabs at Miami Int. Airport
so long guys
3 Kommentare:
Mit grösstem Vergnügen habe ich diesen unterhaltsamen Reisebericht gelesen. Danke für das Erzählen. Bin vom Sofa aus mitgereist. Die sagenhaften Fotos laden ein, die Diashow mehrmals anzuschauen. Macht weiter so.
Danke Dir, Reguuula...
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